
Archive for August, 2009

I have a dress I’m supposed to be drafting and sewing on commission right now for one of my aunties.  So what did I do instead?  Worked on a design that has been in my sketch/idea/doodle book for awhile now.  (My excuse–the fabric was drying.) I took a pattern I already had, made it with a completely different kind of fabric, then changed all the finishing on it as well.  It’s still a basic raglan sleeve tee, but with a little extra.

Shirring Squee 1

Shirring Squee 2

Shirring Squee 3

I’m quite pleased with the outcome. Though I’ve done rolled hems in the past, I’ve been itching to try a lettuce-edge rolled hem. And to work with elastic thread for some shirring. I got to do a little of both in this project. I feel so joyful in the afterglow of knowledge gained. The fact that I can wear this prototype is a bonus.

And now I’ll share a little daydream of mine. . .  to be able to order a bunch of organic cotton knit fabric in a rainbow of colors and make a bunch of these for my Etsy shop. The variations wouldn’t just be in color–my mind is spinning with the possibilities at hand.  Then the nagging little voice in my head says, “Be practical. You don’t have the monetary resources to just order a bunch of fabric and go to town.  And what if no one wanted one?  Then all the various resources would be for naught and your family would have paid out in time and money for your daydream.”  I have this sort of conversation in my head about several of the sketches/ideas in my sweet little idea book.  Sometimes being a grown-up can really suck.  At least I can sew for myself and my loved ones.

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Earlier in the week I reflected upon a date several weeks past.  I’ve been thinking about what I’ve been up to this week, as the last precious days of summer vacation trickle on past.  The answer is typical: knitting and gardening/yard work.  We did have a seasonal diversion as well this past week and I’ll share that later.  Right now I’m in the mood to talk about what I usual wax poetic about on this blog.  🙂

First off, I finished a project this week!  I mentioned it awhile ago, but now it is done, in all of its whispy glory.

Wil o' a Whisp Mosaic


Pattern: Whisper by Hannah Fettig (mine is named Wil o’ a Whisp on Ravelry–a descriptive line from one of the Anne of Green Gables books)

Yarn: Knit Picks Gloss, lace weight, color is Sterling

Needles: US 6s were the largest size and I went from there accordingly depending on what the pattern said

Mods: I knit the ribbing section to not quite 3″, mostly because I was a bit impatient (surprise!) to have it done.  I did a twisted rib stitch rather than regular and I am happy with the definition that was achieved as a result of this.  I also lengthened the body on the back, as did many on Ravelry.  My back is about 9.5″ after the ribbing section.

I’m happy with this–it’s comfortable, great to throw over a tank top, and I do love the floaty feeling of it on.  And the curling front edges.  And the bell sleeves.

Of course I finished this sweater and cast on for another whose yarn I’ve had for a long time and that pattern for not quite as long.  The pattern is called “Flair” by Wendy Bernard and I was trying to use Manos de Uruguay.  Yes, past tense.  The two did not work together and I ripped it out.  Someday I’ll find happy matches for both, perhaps by finding a new home for the yarn. . .  To ease my disappointment in the failed Flair, I pulled out yarn that had also been sitting around for awhile, set aside for projects that were changed.  The newer project is making me happy–the yarn is fantastically soft and the sweater is going to be another favorite to throw on and snuggle.

Green Apple Yumminess

I also just ripped out my hat I made last fall because it was just too big.  I’m going to reknit it so that I can wear it more.  Here it is all balled up waiting for me:

Just Because Undone

And the other main activity this week besides knitting?   Bringing in tomatoes every day, and finally tackling our out of control lawn.  It had been at least three weeks since last it had been mown.  It was crazy.  Today L1 and I mowed the garden paths–it was so long that all of the drip lines were totally lost in the grass.  It’s much better now, and I can see the tomatilla growing instead of just the mess of green that was there.

Amidst all of the highs and lows of a summer day, the knitting and garden keep me grounded (my stability, Amy!) and sane.  At least, most of the time. . .

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I never mentioned that the dress I posted back in July was for my anniversary.  My TENTH anniversary.  The anniversary I’ve been looking forward to for months because of the Big Weekend and because it seemed such a big date.  And then the day itself passed quickly and we left the very next morning for NJ.  Most of the day was spent getting ready for our trip and picking some blueberries.  We did, however, get to celebrate a bit.  We went to see Harry Potter in the afternoon (and now have reached our average movie theater quota of 1 for 2009) and went to dinner that night.

Anniversary Dress up

I did wear the dress. And we had the most fabulous dinner that night at Lento, a local restaurant in every sense of the word.  Everything there is made fresh, no steam tables or microwaves.  It is slow and sumptuous and delightful.

Lento Dinner Mosaic

We were both so incredibly full from the scrumptious food that we didn’t get dessert. I couldn’t even finish my dinner. It became breakfast on the way to NJ the next morning. It was so worth it. And now we’d like to try Lento in multiple seasons to see what they come up with in our area for seasonal, local recipes, both for delighting our taste buds and inspiration at home.

Week of Dinners 7

It’s hard to believe it was only a few weeks ago. In the summer flow of time, it feels so much farther away. There was so much anticipation leading up to this event and it was over in a flash.  What did I learn from that?  I’m not quite sure.  More reminders to be in the present, I suppose, to enjoy all of the moments, big or small.  “Momentous” –there’s a word for me to ponder today.

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I returned home this late afternoon after living like a single person for 2.5 days.  It was surreal, an alternate reality.  Quiet.

*** updated***

L2's Cleveland Fieldtrip Mosaic

Arriving in Cleveland you can see the city skyline.  I first went to Phoenix Coffee to meet Kim and get some work done for the fall semester.  The red crushed velvet couch is in the shop that she manages and I love it.  She took a picture of it because I asked.  🙂  That evening after a tasty meal cooked by Craig we lounged on the front porch, knitting, talking, and having cocktails.  Moving around wasn’t much of an option because it was so hot.  The next day they took me out for lunch and dinner.  Both meals were fantastic.  Sushi, curry, and thai for lunch, then a tour through some of the historic and affluent neighborhoods of Cleveland.  The houses were amazing in architecture and size.  We also drove through this beautiful cultural garden which I hope to see more of in the future.  For dinner we ate lots of fried dill pickles and other tasty appetizers, then had some of the best veggie burgers I’ve ever had.  Seriously.  Oh, and I sewed while I was there, too.  And got to talk and laugh and eat and workout and sweat and just be.

Kim and Craig, thank you for your gracious hospitality and adding to my waistline with such delectable food.  Much love to you both.

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Back to the Adirondacks in August, my favorite month to visit the region.  A list for you, just like last year:

  • Seeing the road lined with tall trees
  • Curving around bends and seeing a new lake every few miles
  • Inhaling the sharp, fresh scent of pine needles and moist soil
  • Scrambling over open rock face
  • A paddle dipping in the water, droplets making an arc over the surface as it dips in again
  • Stars sprinkled so liberally over the velvet of the night sky that the blackness is only an accent
  • Oatmeal in a sierra cup
  • The cracking and glow of a fire, with a s’more thrown in for good measure (or two or three!)
  • Sunshine of the day giving way to cool air in the evening making bed seem so much nicer
  • All of the beautiful rocks, leaves, mushrooms, sticks, and toads shared with each other
  • The wonder in the many secrets one campsite can reveal
  • Ice cream at the end of a trip

Driving along rt 28 in the Adirondacks always gives me a sense of coming home.  I have never lived there, I’ve only had the priveledge of visiting.  From the bustle of Old Forge to the quiet of a trailless mountain in the High Peaks region, my heart thrills to be there.  And it does flips of joy in the knowledge that my children are learning to feel the same.  And in bringing family friends to the region, my heart has hope that they, too, will find happiness there.

pictures later!!

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Yesterday was a day of so many random projects.  A day that needed, but was without, a list.  After the laundry was hung on the line we gravitated toward staying outdoors–L1 to chopping wood, me to the garden.  Compost was turned, used, and the designated dump pile begun anew.  My poor neglected lavender bed was heavily weeded, as were other flower garden areas. I totally neglect the non-food beds, poor things.  Then we flowed back indoors to clean up there.  I went to my sewing area with the intent of cleaning the top off so I could open it up and get into the attic to put suitcases away. . .  and clean I did!  But the suitcases are still sitting out.  I became completely distracted by all of the projects that were sitting on top of my desk.  I finished a new sheet produce bag (why did I never think of buttonholes before?!?!?), fixed a shirt of L4’s, arranged my finished shop projects, chose one to save for our own use, organized the fabric waiting to be made into premeditated projects, and then finally, finally finished a gift for my cousin’s baby that has been sitting, all cut out, for almost three months now.

Lemon Kimono

It’s another like those I made for Wendy’s baby (the second is my favorite). The pattern is from Habitual, for those interested. It has a great range of sizes and is super cute. And if you like making bias tape, this is the project for you. L4 has at least one in her future. 🙂

And now in my head are the words, “What will this day bring?” from The Sound of Music, in Julie Andrew’s voice.  Time to go find out.

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Mentionable Unmentionables

Unmentionables on the beach

I finished these during our vacation and my girl and I took to the beach so that L1 could get some shots of us together in them.  Though I think hers are far cuter than mine, I’m not sorry I made them.

Wading Unmentionables

Stats (for the interested):

Pattern: Unmentionables by Lee Wood Juvan

Yarn: Cotton Fleece in Nymph, 4 skeins

Modifications: Knitted to lace first, then up.

Wishing they were longer. . .  I might make them again some day, perhaps in the same yarn I used for L4’s pair.  I might also like to make the entire flare portion in lace, as I have seen some done on Ravelry.  I will probably also put some elastic in the waistband for mine and my girl’s.  First I have to unpack them from the last remaining suitcase.  Meanwhile, I can enjoy the sunshine evident in the pictures–and that is completely lacking here at home.

Cruising Unmentionables

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We’re at the ocean for the week!  After a miserable drive through PA (is the construction on 81 ever done?!?) and the Garden State Parkway (aptly named–park is about right) we arrived.  We’re spending the week with L1’s siblings and their families and his dad and wife.  We’re across the street from the ocean and it’s bliss.

This morning we were on the beach around 9am (I even got a yoga session in before breakfast!) and in the water.  It was overcast, but still we frolicked in the waves, played in the sand, and examined beach life.  The kids collected many shells

L3 Brings the Shells

of which these are just a small amount, enlisted adults to dig holes in the sand and also bury them
L1 Digging Sand blanket

and rode the waves on boogie boards.
Boogie Boards

That was all in the first morning.  We had a massive thunderstorm this afternoon, through which we walked and got soaked for another adventure.  L4 stopped at every rain gutter and stomped through every puddle to find the maximum drenching.  We should all sleep well tonight.  Happy August to all!

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